Challenges acquiring an online presence


  1. Lack of Long-Term Strategic Planning

Most of our activities look like one time shots. However, a single event is not enough to change the attitude towards some problem. In part, it happens because the activists are trying to diversify our activities, organize events of different kinds and in different areas so that they do not let ourselves drown in monotony. 

  1. Poor Cooperation with Mass Media

Most of our NGOs rely on journalists when organizing an event: they expect they would come and cover everything. When nobody shows up for their event, firstly, they accuse journalists of conspiracy and declare a crisis in mass media and, secondly, they do nothing to spread the word about the event themselves.

  1. Lack of Feedback and Social Support Suppresses Enthusiasm

Our society is only slightly involved in community life. There is a lot of heterogeneity in why people get engaged in the Day Care. However, whatever their motivation is, when people cannot get that sense of belonging to their community and do not have their contribution appreciated, soon they give up and quit on the Day Care. It is very sad to know that many of these people are not even supported by their families. The problem is not so much in negligence of authorities. The real issue is the indifference of majority of population. Everyone talks about the necessity to control authorities, but nobody is eager to spend their own time and money to take care of it.

  1. Increasing numbers on social media

Our social media accounts are not receiving that much attention. This happens because the Day Care has not found time for everything such as, creating fresh and meaningful content for each audience. Developing a strong and distinct voice will increase numbers on our social media accounts. 


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